Cookies disclosure

Hello, I work on the release.
I tried to install addons free_cookie_disclosure, respecting the composer step. The result is an automatically generated information banner, before putting the block.
So I wanted to find if it's possible to set parameters but I can't because I found this in dashboard/system/basics/cookies_disclosure :
{{ form_start(form) }}
{{ 'Display Settings'|trans }}
{{ form_label(form.alignment) }} {{ form_widget(form.alignment) }}
{{ form_label(form.color_profile) }} {{ form_widget(form.color_profile) }}
{{ form_label(form.hide_interval) }} {{ form_widget(form.hide_interval) }}
{{ "In seconds (leave empty if you don't want to hide the notification)"|trans }}
{{ 'Debug'|trans }}
{{ form_widget(form.debug) }} {{ form.debug.vars.label }}
{{ "When debug mode is enabled, the notification is visible although user would've already allowed cookies."|trans }}
{{ "This is handy when styling the debug notification box for your theme."|trans }}
{{ 'Customize Notification Content'|trans }}
{{ 'If you want to customize the notification message, just create a stack named "%stack_name%" and add your content there.'|trans({'%stack_name%': 'Cookies Disclosure'|trans}) }}
{% if has_multilingual %}
{{ 'Remember to translate the content in the multilingual stacks.'|trans }}
{% endif %} {{ interface_button("Go to Stacks"|trans ~ " »", url_to('/dashboard/blocks/stacks/'), 'left') }}

Maybe someone could help me to understand what happen here?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi cofla8,

Did you try to install this add-on?
"Free Cookies Disclosure package for concrete5"

I have not used this add-on, but what you pasted looks like Twig templating code.

If you are seeing Twig code in the dashboard, it is probably caused by the add-on dependencies not being installed.

You mention "respecting the composer step", did this involve the Composer dependency management tool? If not, you will need to download and install Composer.

After Composer is installed, follow the readme.
cofla8 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello MrKDilkington,
1 - Yes I try to install free_cookies_disclosure
2 - I think also that my problem is with twig
3 - I had already done what you mentioned, but just in case I uninstall and reinstall free_cookies_disclosure addon, taking care to install the dependencies with Composer. However I get the same result.

Thank you for your help
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

You could create an issue on the GitHub page and see if you can get further instructions: