Developing (v7+)

Booking & Calendar system

Hi Guys, I have been asked to revamp this site As the link shows it has an ASP calendar which highlights the dates rates & if it is booked or not. It also links to a booking system. What I want to know is…

Excluding Tablets from mobile version

Hi, I like to exclude tablets using the mobile theme. (C5 I have searched the forum and But could not find a way to get it to work. [code]

Can not connect to an external DB

I need to read some data from an external DB in some of my custom blocks, but when I ask to concrete5 to connect to my 2nd DB, he just ignore me: [code] $db = Loader::db(); $db = Loader::db( 'server2', 'user2', 'pass2', 'db2', true); $fts = $db-…

Send e-mail confirmation after submitting external form

Hi there, Can anyone explain to me how to send an e-mailconfirmation when a form is submitted by the user? I'm trying to develop this piece of functionality based on the test_form which is default shipped in Concrete5-5.7. Thanks in advance. Kind re…

How to sort getCollectionChildrenArray by DatePublic

Getting a list of subpages and would like to sort them by the value getCollectionDatePublic() returns. [code] $page = Page::getByID("149"); $sub_page_ids = $page->getCollectionChildrenArray(1); [/code] None of the concrete sortBy methods are work…

5.7.4 Responsive Menu - SubMenu Drop

So I really like the responsive menu that comes with concrete. However, I was wondering if someone could help me solve a problem. I was wondering if there was a way to move the sub menus to the right or left when the parent is hovered on instead of wha…

5.7 Fileset Attribute

Does a fileset attribute for 5.7 exist anywhere? Would be great to let clients choose a fileset from a composer form...

How to integrate my menu into Concrete 5.7

Hi, I'm completely new to Concrete 5 and have started with version and following this great beginner tutorial at…

Better user permissions management

Hi! I'm hoping that someone here can point me in the direction of better user permissions management. I've got advanced permissions turned on, but it's still a slow and tedious task to manually edit permissions by function and by page. Reference: I'…

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