5.7 Fileset Attribute

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Does a fileset attribute for 5.7 exist anywhere?

Would be great to let clients choose a fileset from a composer form...

mesuva replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
A while back I updated sebastienj's Fileset Attribute add-on for 5.7, it was really just a case of adding a few namespace lines so it didn't take long.

I did ask Sébastien if he wanted a copy of what I did to push up to the marketplace, but I didn't receive a reply.

I've attached a zip of the 5.7 version. As the 5.6 is free, and there's basically no other way to code this, I'd be surprised if Sébastien has any problem with me do this - but I'll remove it if I'm wrong about that, don't want to cause any issues.

Just unzip it into the /packages directory and install via the dashboard.
tduncandesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Absolutely outstanding Mesuva, thank you kindly and I hope this helps out some other C5'ers also. Thanks also to Sebastién.
mrjcgoodwin replied on at Permalink Reply
Amazing, great work Mesuva - just what I needed today :-)