Developing (v7+)

Flash Error?

Hello, I have a concrete5 based site that was built a few years ago and the developer used a flash item in order to display custom titles. Just recently it appears that they have gone missing and there is an error in it's place: swfobject.embedSW…

Building Tables

I am looking for a simple way to create a table. One that is easy to edit inside concrete5 that doesn't require creating a table in excel and uploading or something similar. The tables only need to hold a link to a pdf and a description. I've attached …

Form block date/time field change from AM/PM to 24-hour format

I tell you I've tried searching so much and I've found so many topics talking about changing certain definitions in config/site.php, but it didn't help. Can anybody just give me a short and sweet answer how I can change the format of the date-time fiel…

Salesforce web to lead

Hi, Has anyone built an easy to use form builder that ties into Salesforce web to lead? My client wants an easy to use form builder for this and the current solution requires editing php to build each form. There are existing integrations for other…

Creating blog_entry

Hi, I'm manually setting up my blogs using the tutorial. It worked the first time I created it, however now when I try to create it again, the web page just contains "Posted by on September 11, 2014". This is after I create a new page type called bl…

Jobs - "executeJob" vs "run"

Just a gottcha which caught me out. Putting it here for anyone else. The "run" method doesn't update the Job database table in any way whatsoever. So the job will run, but you wont get any updates to "jobLastRun" dates. "executeJob" is the more robu…

Mail template image url

Hello all, I am using the custom form from I want to make a HTML email template. In the mail folder I created a template user_notify.php. From there I wanted to define the url to the images folder in…

video on demand

hi, can anyone help me create a video on demand based on eCommerce feature - which allows viewing of video only (after payment) and not download - similar to commercial vod sites like Vimeo? I'm only a c5 user and not programmer - hence I have no tech…

Package for an ElasticSearch backend

Hi guys, I've used concrete5 on and off now for a couple of years. I'm now thinking of wiring a package to be shared on the marketplace. I am a big fan of ElasticSearch and have used it for a number of (non-C5) projects in the past. I want to m…

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