Flash Error?


I have a concrete5 based site that was built a few years ago and the developer used a flash item in order to display custom titles.

Just recently it appears that they have gone missing and there is an error in it's place:

swfobject.embedSWF ("/themes/bigsunday/assets/PageTitle.swf", "flash-title-placeholder", 600, 60, "9.0.28", "", { title: "About Us" }, { wmode: "opaque" } );


This is happening for all the interior pages that utilize this template.

Does anyone have a recommendation on how to remove the flash title option completely and just use the simple titles without bringing the site down or completing an upgrade to the latest version?

Any help would be appreciated (the developer is long gone).


hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
This piece of flash still appears to work if you change

<InvalidTag type="text/javascript">


<script type="text/javascript">

in the page type code.
TPDLosAngeles replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked perfect! Thank you.