Developing (v7+)

Guestbook/Comments seen only by submitter

I would like my comments block to only show comments I post. I want this for all members that post comments. It would be a form of notes keeping for the member. Does anyone know how to code this?

External form block using built in Submit features?

Is there a way to make my own custom external form but still link it to the built in Submit features from the "Form" block or something similar rather than creating a php mailer file and linking the two? Thanks!

Mobile theme testing

Hi there, I've been looking around for a way to test how the mobile theme for websites work on different devices. I have my PC, a second PC and my Android phone. I do not have a Mac nor iPhone or iPad or tablet, so seeing how sites work on these devic…

Blog Archive Dates Tags Not Displaying Correctly

Hello, When I look for posts in my Blog Archive, no matter what month I click, it simply generates a list of blog posts right up to the current day - is this some fundamental operational error on my part regards tag setup or, is it a coding issue, pleas…

Different Navigation on mobile device

Is it possible to detect a mobile device and display a different navigation block? OR Is it possible to filter the navigation output by giving pages attributes like "show on mobile" and "show on desktop"? Any help is much appreciated.

JPEG image file sizes too large? ImageMagick may be the cause.

Building a site with retina images and noticed that all the JPEG images where way too large in file size. For example, a image that was 220k when resized via Photoshop was instead 1.4 megs when resized by concrete5. Zoinks! I kept playing around with t…

All links trigger 404 error

Hi, I don't really understand why all links in my site trigger 404 error whereas all pages do exist .... anyone would have an idea as to what could be going wrong ? Many thanks

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