Developing (v7+)

Retrieving a deleted page from the trash can

Hello, I'm trying to retrieve a deleted page from the "trash can" but am not seeing the trash can when viewing the system pages in the site map. Is there another way to access the trash can and thus my deleted page? The reason I am trying to retrie…

Custom Form

I need a custom form that I can place other html elements other then form fields into. For example Formfield Image Formfield iframe Submit Buttom The standard form block does not allow for this. Any ideas on hard coding, custom template, o…

Job to reindex user attributes

Hi guys, If you ever end up with an empty UserSearchIndexAttributes table, here's a free add-on that reindex user attribute data: The job truncates the table and then reindexes all users. So better don't r…

301 redirects and index.php for SEO

Hi all, I have just finished developing a site and I am working closely with an external SEO company who have advised me to set up a 301 redirect so the site is accessed only through the pretty urls for example rather than…

Sorting a pagelist by a custom attribute and name

I have a custom select attribute called job_title (each person has a job title), options are something like this: Partners Solicitors Finance Administration I need to be able to sort the page list firstly alphabetical (name) and then by the job_t…

RSS Content Absolute Path

Hi, I'm trying to build an RSS page as suggested by Andrew in this post But I'm having troubles with relative URL (like for images). In the html output images have path "/url_to_image". I'd li…

Working with fast moving content

Hi All, I'm migrating a website I run to concrete 5, making pages for fixed content is easy. But when it comes to creating something that allows office staff to quickly and simply maintain lists/events etc, has become an issue. I need to replicate t…

Can't override login page from inside theme

I created a custom login page inside my root single_pages directory, but because I don't want the site's default header from view.php, I also placed a version of login.php inside my theme directory. This works fine if you go to /login.php. But if yo…

Set user message for "Permission Denied"

I have been looking through the dashboard options, the documentation and these forums, but perhaps I do not know the correct terms to search for.... I would like to have an "access denied" type of page pop up when a user tries to click onto a page that…

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