Developing (v7+)

SEO Friendly Tag URL's

I'm using the core block tags and I'm not liking the URL's tagging creates such as[14][atSelectOptionID][]=5. This is with SEO friendly URL's turned on, also I find manually trying the equivalent URL such as bl…

sitemap.xml not listing pages

Hey all, Haven't seen this before - I've got an install of running (PHP Version 5.3.27) and when I try to generate the sitemap.xml file, the sitemap doesn't list any pages. I've got about12 or 15 pages, and it spits out this - [code]http://…

External form and Ajax

hey there, the following code is working outside concrete, but when i load it to a external form it doenst... any 1 can help me on this one? [Code] $(document).ready(function(){ $('#Ano').bind('change', function (e) { …

Missing data whe published

I am having a wee problem with a job I'm working on with C5. If you look at you will notice that there is nothing at the foot of the page and this is confirmed when you look at the code: [code] © Armathw…

Style Captcha Divs Or Core Override

I am trying to style the individual div blocks within the captcha block. This would be helpful to either a) have been originally developed with a class in place even if its just class="1" class="2" or b) be able to add an override so that changes are n…

User add event

In a recent project I worked on, I found myself needing to hook up to on_user_add on order to do some processing on the newly added user. However, it seems that the event is triggered before any attributes are saved against the user, which is slightly inc…

Lindens lab second life and concrete

hi i want to build a site to connect to second life. to create a way to use second lives unique user keys to make accounts than store information on the site and can fill in more or edit it and than be able to use it again in second life thru a HUD. I…

Looking for specialised checklist add-on

My client wants to have a checklist people can check off and save the information to their own part of the db. Is there an add-on that will do this or is it a matter of a special build? thanks

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