Developing (v7+)

Cannot load custom helper from the root "helpers" directory

Hi, In the root "helpers" directory (in the same level with the "concrete" directory), I have created a file named: menu.php. Now, when I try to load it through Loader::helper('menu') I recieve the following error: Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\htd…

Beginer c5 need definitions

I know this might be a loaded question. My background is Java, so I've been learning c5 as to try something else. I need some help with some architectural decisions. 1.) I have several pages that will display dynamic content (basketball stats, games,…

Making a settings page

Hey guys im hacking around concrete5 started to love it I was wondering if thier is a build in function to make settings in the backend - like if i make a theme and wanna make settings for that theme like a color picker for colors can i make a page in…

Changing var path to access images

I have read through several posts but haven't found exactly what I need. I am adding a javascript and it is not finding the images. I don't know how to lst them for Concrete5 that they show up. Here is the code that I have and nothing shows up: [code] …

Attributes for list item background images

I have a JQuery slider on my home page and the basic HTML looks like this... Respect | Responsibility | Excellence .slide-1 and .slide-2 both specify images in the background which work well. I'm having trouble building …

Taxonomy approach with Concrete5

I was thinking about how C5 might be used with needing to show content in two different contexts. So a taxonomy about Fish might be like below where Salmon spans both categories of fish. From a users point of view i would want them to be able to see a…

Opening a Dialog Breaks Existing Dialog

I am trying to get a tinyMCE instance into a dialog box with $.dialog(). This seems to break the existing block dialog however. When I press save on the main block edit window, the block is updated but the dialog doesn't close. I tested this on a fresh…

Hi, Has anyone used with C5? I'm looking for a provider that has support in Spanish.

Cannot Download a Backup

I am able to backup my database, but when I attempt to download it, it wants to be saved as dbu_123456nnn_sql/ and I get invalid file name. When I attempt to save as dub_123456nnn.sql I get the msg that it couldn't be downloaded.

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