Developing (v7+)

Database connection file

Hello everybody, I was updating my Concrete site to the latest version, so I was using the trick of duplicating it, updating+testing the copy and then switching the two, when I noticed something. Usually the file with the database connection credentials,…

Exception Occurred - ResponseFactory::controller()

I've got this exception happening on a 8.5.4 production site: Exception Occurred: /concrete/src/Http/ResponseFactory.php:160 Argument 1 passed to Concrete\Core\Http\ResponseFactory::controller() must be an instance of Concrete\Core\Controller\Controlle…

Need to convert calendar event date to 12 hour

Hi I have a site with core calendar functionality. I am using the following which renders the date/time in 24hr clock for an event: [code]echo $formatter->getOccurrenceDateString($occurrence);[/code] But I need it to render date and time in 12 h…

Adding Login/Logout to navbar

I have installed the attached as per but I have a problem. When the page to the left of the Login/Logout link is selected the background color of th…

Form customization (v 8.5)

I have been going through the docs on Express and Form customization and I keep struggling. Some of it is outdated or requires some previous knowledge of the system itself. Frontend-editing for forms is basically non-existent (the Form block allows me …

lightbox works only 6 hours, - javascript problem?

I have an image in a content block and have linked it (with link-tool) to a lightbox. On the live site it works 6 hours like the js script cache. After 6 hours, the image shows in a blank new browser window. On the dev site, where all caches are turned o…

Grid Layout in Global Area

Likely a beginner question. I am creating a site with several page layouts. I want a contact form which consists of two columns to show just above the footer on every page. Imagine the left column showing a map with the customer's location and the righ…

v8.4.* - alternative for 'on_page_view' event without pages

I use a 'on_page_view' event with pages. If I want to do the same but without loading pages, i.e. showing data straight from the DB, I guess I can do that with routes and view rendering, In that case is there an event which would be similar to loading a p…

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