Developing (v7+)

json_encode with page_list

I have an ajax call that need to receive an array of pages. What I have until now: On Submit in PHP [code] $path = ($_POST['path']); $page = Page::getByPath($path); $id = $page->getCollectionID(); Loader::model('page_list'); $pl …

SIngle Page Controller Redirect

Hi, I've a single page structured like that : [code] /controller/profile/demo/controller.php /controller/profile/demo/search.php [/code] I would like to redirect to To d…

Autonav with Images ie thumbnail

Hello, I am trying to build an autonav block that includes an image. Please see this live example for an idea of what I am trying to achieve. The example is static html I am trying to implement into Concrete5. …

How to achieve video feed with thumbnail images

Hello, I need some input on how best to achieve my design, using Concrete5. I would like my video page to show thumbnails for 8 most recent videos, below a video slider plugin. What I'm wondering about here is how to achieve the video feed with thumbnails…

Page Defaults error

Hi, I understand that page defaults are where you can pre-populate a page with blocks. But every time I try to edit page defaults i get this error: ) Fatal error: Call to a member function getRelativePath() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\asap\theme…

Custom block problem

Hello, I have recently started developing own blocks. I have achieved to get it working, but for somehow some fields are not being inserted into my database. This is the code of my block [code] …

Fetch Content Block Text Values and Set Attribute

I need to fetch the content of a concrete5 WYSIWYG block, remove all HTML tags, and set an attribute text area value in the system with that information. Would really appreciate any assistance! Thanks, Forrest

File permission issues

When I go to look at the file permissions on a particular image file, I get this error: Fatal error: Class 'UserInfoList' not found in "......./htdocs/concrete/tools/files/permissions.php on line ..." Has anyone seen this before or know what the iss…

Form that retains URL from which it was submitted?

Please forgive my ignorance if I'm missing something obvious, but I need to configure a form that retains the URL from which the user submitted it from and details it in the email notification. Does anyone know how I can do this? Cheers!

Imageupload in a block

Hello, I'm currently developing with concrete5. I have stumbled upon a problem where I am uploading an image using the concrete5 the following code. [code] [/code] In the db.xml, I have declared 'afbeelding' as followed. [code] …

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