How to achieve video feed with thumbnail images

Hello, I need some input on how best to achieve my design, using Concrete5. I would like my video page to show thumbnails for 8 most recent videos, below a video slider plugin. What I'm wondering about here is how to achieve the video feed with thumbnails, either by having the videos display in a popup window when clicked or having them show in a media player block. There are two parts: the thumbnails linking to a working video, and having a dynamic feed that will put videos or video links into the design format of the thumbnails and manage the content. I am open to using a plugin from the marketplace for this, and I already have a license for ProMedia. My apologies if my post is not entirely clear. I am fairly new to content management. The current design (just in HTML/CSS in this link) is at This shows the layout and design of the thumbnails. Does anyone know how I can implement this in Concrete5? Any input is much appreciated!! Thanks!

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Try this:

Add the image and link to an 'External URL' such as a YouTube video. Make sure you flag 'Open in Fancybox'.

And to overcome some technical issues with YouTude + iframes, re-write the URL like this:
drconsolidated replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, mhawke! You are on it today (:

This looks like it may be a great solution for my needs. Do you have any idea whether it is or can be responsive, or at least adaptive? My theme is responsive and it is important that all functionality work in mobile contexts.

Much appreciated!
drconsolidated replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey mhawke, wondering if you might have any ideas how to create a sortable video feed using this approach? That's the main piece I'm missing. I need a way for the user to add videos from Vimeo (or Youtube, if necessary) so that the most recent ones show on the main video page, and the feed is sortable by category. Any clue if/how I can achieve this, either using this plugin or some other approach? Thanks!!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure how 'sortable' they are but there are a couple of items in the marketplace: