Developing (v7+)

Not able to add links (internal server error)

Hello, I hope somebody can help me. I am the administrator of the website I really like concrete5 but I never was able to add links to my site. It doesn't matter if I link to another page or to a subpage. The following error occurs:…

Editing and dashboard buttons playing up

Hi all Been building a site, almost finished and out of the blue I started getting a weird issues where If I hove over the editing button now nothing pops up until I move over to the dashboard tab! Weird! I've changed the theme back to a default system…

Website Optimization

Now that I got my site done, for the most site, I am wanting to up my ratings with Google Speed Insights. The current score is a 88 for one domain, and 83 for another. Here is the link to the results:…

Request Errors for sunburst.css and prettify.js ??

My website is loading ridiculously slow and I'm trying to investigate the problem. I did a page speed test and it came up with two apparently missing files, but I can't find anyone else having this issue. Can someone help me out with this? Check out th…

Search Bar and Log-In on Footer Navbar

Hey everyone. I have created a footer navbar to house non-content links (search, log-in, contact us, and disclaimers when it is all said and done) however, both search and log-in seem to be more limited as they require block areas. Is there any way around…

Dynamically change theme or page type

Hi, First time posting here since I couldn't seem to find the answer. (Although I'm sure this is user error in search methodology, although I'm usually pretty good at finding what I need). Anyways, here's the thought process. Most pages will have a …

Product ratings for ecommerce?

Hey! So from what I'm understanding from other threads on the eCommerce plugin, there is no way to do product review stars so the customers can't rate them? It's just for the admin? I'm seeing how to change it in the backend as an admin, but it's not …

Sortable products - Core_Commerce

Hi all, I was wondering if there is anyway to create a sortable nav for a product list similar to what Concrete5's Marketplace already has for sorting search items? Is this something built into the block or am I missing something. Seems like a pr…

Global Areas - wish I could add them via the Stacks interface...

Hi all I love Global Areas but I don't like having to create them via code like: I wish I could just create them via the Stack interface in the dashboard then add them to my template when/where I need them later, because sometimes I want them to…

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