Search Bar and Log-In on Footer Navbar

Hey everyone. I have created a footer navbar to house non-content links (search, log-in, contact us, and disclaimers when it is all said and done) however, both search and log-in seem to be more limited as they require block areas. Is there any way around using content blocks to add a search bar, and to utilize pop-up login in the footer navbar?


Here is the site:

FischerVision replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You could use the popup login extension and you could make more block areas instead of just one. And for those different block areas you can use different style ID's for example:
<div id="footerleft">
<?php  $a = new Area('Footerleft'); 
<div id="footercenter">
<?php  $a = new Area('Footercenter'); 
<div id="footerright">
<?php  $a = new Area('Footerright'); 
bpbuild replied on at Permalink Reply
The only issue I have after this is in edit mode the three sections seem to be hidden under stuff. I will try z-index work but what other solutions are there?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
After that, you can try to add a padding-bottom to the main. So that if you scroll all the way down, it is on top of the content.