Developing (v7+)

Web page not loading external style sheet changes

Whenever I save changes to my external style sheet ('view.css'), the changes do not get pushed to the web page that I am attempting to test ( in Chrome. Things that I have tried: 1. Cleared…

Image Slider Recommendations?

Hi there I'm looking for an image slider for a new clients site. My main requirement is that it automatically resizes images, or provides an interface to do so. To explain, the block will take up, say a 600x250 area, images uploaded are 3000x1800. …

href in custom profile single page

Hi all, i want to create custom single page for displaying some of our member profile. i copy and paste [concretecore]/profile/view.php to /single_pages/profile/view.php i have custom text attributes for user, it's a web address of their social media…

Error when submitting a form

Hi everyone I am new to this and setting up an online form on my webpage: under 'contact us'. Upon clicking the button 'submit' I received an error as follows: mysql error: [1146: Table 'concrete5_5_5_2_1_3_0_michaele…

Spacing between top of webpage and between header blocks

Hi everyone I am new to this and slowly making my way through building my site: I am wondering if you can steer me in the right direction, I am wanting to reduce the spacing between the top of the webpage and the Hea…

Cannot edit website

Hello. I am new to concrete5. I have previously been maintaining a website through iWeb but would like to try this site builder. I did the install which seemed to do okay but when I log in as admin on my URL I don’t have any editing options. There is noth…

\n\r AWOL from textarea

I cannot (but want to) preserve a newline from a text area. I have used nl2br. I have used str_replace for \r, \n, \r\n. As far as I can tell, the newlines make it into the database but not out of it. In a textarea field I have input the following: …

How is the table, PagePaths, populated?

I have been asked to maintain a site, so being VERY new to C5, I made a copy of the application on my server. However on my server the project is in a sub-directory so the links contained within the project are not correct. To make things challenging,…

Form mail not sending after upgrade from 5.4.2 to

I recently upgraded a site from 5.4.x to the latest version, 5.6.2. I just realized that forms have not been sending confirmation emails. I've tried everything I can think of, from adding: [code] define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS', ''…

Show certain content blocks only to logged in users

Is there a straightforward way to show certain content blocks in a page (marked by a CSS class, or template) only to logged in users? The filtering must take place on server side, though. A pure CSS solution where you set a "loggedin" class to the body…

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