Developing (v7+)

File Sharing and privacy for users

I'm looking to have a file sharing ability for my website. I want individuals to be able to: upload their own files and have it only viewable to themselves and a certain user group, download and view files that are added to their page or fileset that only…

Composer and parts of pages missing.

Well, this is a strange one. Here's the link to the website so that you can follow what I mean. ( I have page type, with composer, which I used to create about 20 pages and it worked like a charm. When I create a…

Multiple fields in a single Page attribute.

I need to create a custom page attribute with multiple (3) text fields. Does anyone know of any documentation outlining how to build this? Anyone help/pointers would be great.

styling autonav sublevels

Hi. Probably a noob question. But is it possible to make it so the autonav indents a specific level of subpages in a vertical navigation? Ive looked through the forums and havent found anything, and cant seem to find it in the block files aswell. Pleas…

New custom Block type not being found

I'm on on WAMP stack The system isn't detecting a block type I've built. "No custom block types are awaiting installation." I've already built 5 custom block types this week without issue. It's probably something obvious, but I've gone over…

getCollectionDatePublic - RFC 3339 formatting required

I am writing a data feed using the page list functionality, and I need to change the format the Date time of the getCollectionDatePublic value to: eg: 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z i.e. Adding a 'T' after the date, and a 'Z' after the time. This is to adhere…

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