Developing (v7+)

Loading javascript for block edit screens

I am currently loading a javascript file for the edit screen of my custom block: [code] $html = Loader::helper('html'); $this->addHeaderItem($html->css(BASE_URL.DIR_REL.'/packages/mtphr_blocks/css/metaboxer.css')); $this->addHeaderItem($html->javasc…

404 errors in the simplicity theme

It appears that 3 items are returning 404s and they are hindering page load performance.…

Foundation Framework CSS clashes with Google Maps Block

I’m using Zurb’s Foundation framework and have come across a CSS conflict with the Google Map block. The zoom slider appears faint and distorted. It still works but it’s very difficult to see, whilst the toggle button remains perfectly intact. I h…

Customise Reviews Block

I need to customise the review block with a few tweaks. I’m a beginner and I don’t want to charge in and make a complete mess! 1) The error messages display underneath the labels for the input fields (see attachment). It looks a bit untidy at the m…

Add a folder ?

I added a directory to the root of my site '/projects'. In the 'projects' folder are 'index.html' and a folder called '/3rdParty'. the site root is: I can see the index.html if I go to:…

Bulk Pages in Database

Is it possible to, using a simple sql statement against the c5 db, to add the needed files to bulk create pages? Instead of inputting this information for each page one by one in the dashboard. Example, youtube video player page. Obviously the layou…

Auto-Nav only links to home page

Does anyone know why upgrading to from around v5.6.0.2 would cause my site Nav to malfunction? When I edit the site Nav and preview the links, they are correct. But when I publish the page, they all point to the home page. I'm guessing it's due to…

Getting Content from a Block

...maybe I am blind (I've Googled, searched the forum, and gone through the API), but how can I simply get the output from a block (without rendering the content). For example given a Block object called "$myblock", how can I say: $thecontent = $myblo…

Abstract Data Types

My 2nd post here, another question... Does Concrete5 support abstract data types natively? I've looked into the attributes at various levels, but I am not sure this will fit my needs. For example, if I want to make a hierarchy of locations and at t…

Multichannel Publishing

OK, I'm new to Concrete5 but not technology. I've done a good bit of google searching and searching within the forums here as well. The topic about which I cannot find adequate information is "Multichannel Publishing." I found this article: http:/…

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