Developing (v7+)

Event addon like this "with out the buy function"?

Hi is there an event addon like this? i will buy it if there is such an addon ;) for concrete5? with a date/info and when u press on the event its rolls out? can i use Composer for this? (if i make a composer p…

Dealer Locator AddOn - Zip Code

Hello! The Add-On Dealer Locator has already a search function. My question is: Can I set the Add-On, that it takes the German zip Codes, not the one from the USA? e.g. you can search for 10115 Berlin and it searchs in Germany. But when I only w…

Full page cache and events

Just few days ago I made a bug report wondering if it's a bug or feature that events defined in a package controller won't be fired when the page is cached by Full Page cache. It appeared that it actually is a feature and that on a full page cached page t…

Dashboard visual layout problem

Hi I don't really know what to call this but when I go in to the dashboard, mostly systems and settings but sometimes other areas, all the text is smashed up all the way to the left. This also slightly happens when I go to add a block but it's not as…


I have a couple questions. I am playing around with the trial version. I already have an active website developed through dreamweaver (not currently in concrete5) but I would like to transfer this site. I understand I will likely have to rebuild the site …

Deleting an override results in broken site and dashboard

For testing and learning purposes i have copied "header_required.php" from "/concrete/elements" to "/elements". Actually i did not even change anything, but now that i want to simply delete "header_required.php" in "/elements" i get an error message (Warn…

Separate Nav Menus for Public / Members Using Mega-Menu

Hi Please see attached Sitemap I am working with. Basically, using Mega-Menu and need to have 2 separate nav menus. One that is viewable to the public visitors (on the sitemap - that is show every page under HOME except Members level at the bottom).…

Send email when user changes data in profile

Hello, I want to send email to admin when user changes data in his profile. How can i achieve this ? i started to search in single_pages/profile/edit.php file, but i found only: [code] [/code] How to add extra code, so email to admin will b…

Filtered autonav

Hi can anyone help, I think it should be quite obvious but I'm missing something, I have the following code to add an autonav to all my pages, I would like to make it show only pages with the is_featured tag. How would I do this. Thanks [code] [/cod…

Nuclear option for deleting troublesome packages or blocks

Some background: I have a c5 package that doesn't work and will not let me delete it. Any pages that have the block from the package in it will throw this error when viewed: [code] Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttributeKeyID() on a non-o…

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