Developing (v7+)

RSS Feed Error - Can someone help?

Hi All, My Blog's RSS feed was working fine. I just added a new blog, and now the RSS feed is giving me this message: Permission Denied This page list doesn't use the custom blog template, or you don't have permission to access this RSS feed I h…

Help me improve my website's design

Hello all! I've launched a new website, not getting too many members so could you please help me by taking a look at the website : and telling me if there is anything off-putting about the design. Improvements may also be sugge…

Choosing the order of a group of filesets

I'm trying to get an image library block working which has number of image files of different types for each image. I'm using filesets, iterating through them and displaying a thumbnail for the first image in the set (as all them files are going to be …

Preview not working in Composer

For some reason the preview function is not working in composer. I initially thought it didn't work because I didn't have a view.php but even after creating one it's still displaying an Internal Server Error. Could this be a cache related issue?

upgrading add-on

Hi all, I want to upgrade one of the add-ons I have in the market place. Originally it had js files in the js folders so they would load automatically. I modified the add-on and now I have the js files out of the js folder so they don't load automatic…

Page Contents Positioning Correctly... What's the Fix?

I am starting to review the Page Type layouts I created within the Concrete site and I need to do some tweeking... It appears that I need to either add a "container" or a "wrapper" within my HEADER.PHP page code to control how the body of the page content…

Can't remove a bit of text

Hi guys. A friend of mine started up a website using Concrete5 and after messing around with it for a bit, he asked me to help him. I'm just getting started with it, and there's a stubborn piece of text that I can't get rid off. I have no idea how he adde…

Concrete5, MISER Website OptiMISER and CloudFlare

I've tweaked every last ounce of speed out of a Concrete5 site on my own server. TTFB is still way too slow, and total page load is still way too slow. I'm looking at setting up and using CloudFlare with Concrete5. Questions: 1) Do I still need Miser…

The Mystery of the Missing Dot

I am trying to save a bit of SEO on a site that has recently been converted to C5. When I try and add an old URL into Page Properties/Page Paths and Location a very odd thing happens. Example; after saving /contact.html for the old link and revisiting …

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