Developing (v7+)

Highlight active thumbnail

Hi there, I'm using the Thumbview Template add-on for a navigation here: I would like to highlight the thumbnail image for the relevant page. After searching for the solution for hours, to no avail, I wonder if anyone knows h…

Warning: Cannot modify header information (Site is DEAD)

In an effort to address the "Checking For Updates" infinite spinning issue I attempted to add the ENABLE_NEWSFLOW_OVERLAY define statement to my site.php file per the instructions located at…

Cannot get 'Loader::elements...' to work

Hi! I am in the process of learning to use C5 to its full and utilising the integtral core components. The problem I am having on a website that I am developing is getting the C5 Loader command to work. On my site I have one standard 'header.php' wh…

Using the attribute render method

I am creating a block that will pull out a list of, let's say, pages and I want this block to list attributes that are of a select box type so you can filter based on that type. The reason I say that these are "mypages" are because they are infact a list …

Setup a form to mail an email address the typed content

Hi there! I have a guest blogger (ask the vet section) who needs to have people's queries reach her. I'm not sure what the best way of doing this is but because setting up advanced permissions is complex and time consuming I wanted the 'Ask the vet' fo…

Display child pages of a Page in it's page list item. . .

My humble apologies in advance if this question has already been answered somewhere on the forum. I was unable to locate an answer via the forums or google. Basically, I have an About page that has 3 child pages. Each of those 5 child pages has 5 child p…

eCommerce on Multiple Site

I have a client that has several physical stores and wants websites for each, but wants to have a central online store that all the websites/stores share the same inventory. We initially setup a site and eCommerce for one of the locations, and they now wa…

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