Developing (v7+)

Flexslider problem

Hello everyone, I installed the flexslider plugin that can be found here : Now I am testing it on my localhost and its working fine when I am logged in. But when I am logged out I …

Additional Fields in File Manager

I am developing a site that will have restricted content for certain countries. I need to be able to mark certain files that fall into the restricted category so they can be excluded from the website in those countries. The way I would like to do this …

Custom Slideshow image size overwritten

Hi there, I have followed Jordan Lev's excellent tutorial on how to build a custom slideshow block ( This is my first attempt at using c5 and creating a custom block, so to be able to g…

How to install a tool in a package?

How do I install a tool in a package. I know how to install a singel page, public function install() { $pkg = parent::install(); Loader::model('single_page'); $p = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/generate_install_data',$pkg); } But how to do…

Foundation Framework + C5

Has anyone used the Foundation Framework to design their C5 and managed to implement? I've spent a stack of time this week working on my new portfolio site and when its come to porting it into C5 I've found theres a css conflict for .container between …

Custom Multiple Attributes

Hello everyone, I just started to learn concrete5 and I'm wondering how can I create a custom attribute which has an add button and when click multiple fields will display. It's like the Multiple Image/Files attribute that I found the only difference is i…

Calling action in controller.php from blocks view.php

Hi I want something simple. I want to call a function in my controller.php from my view.php. I want to load it with jquery's "get" function. I did the same already in single pages and there its working without a problem. But in a normal block it's n…

Form construction: which file writes the "ccm-required" span?

I suppose I'm missing something obvious, but I simply cannot find the file that writes the * part of the register form. I'm looking because I'd ultimately like to add a similar conditional span for the "Displayed in Public Profile" option for registra…

Slideshow with responsive Themes and/or different picture heights

Hi There, problem: using a responsive layout with a slideshow creates bad effects, as the wrapper size is set to the true height of the picture, and not to the displayed size. Also the slideshow creates a background-image, which doesn't resize at a…

images not found when I uploaded to server from localhost

Morning all, Just uploaded the new theme to a fresh install of C5 to my server but I'm getting image not found on several of the images, the files properties are different so I think that's why. Has anyone got an idea how I can get around this, otherwi…

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