Custom Multiple Attributes

Hello everyone, I just started to learn concrete5 and I'm wondering how can I create a custom attribute which has an add button and when click multiple fields will display. It's like the Multiple Image/Files attribute that I found the only difference is it will have multiple fields not just an image/file field.

Thank you so much for your help.

shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dedano

did you ever solve this? I need to create the exact same thing where a multiple field attribute would come in handy

something like:

data.a1 data.a2 data.a3
data.b2 data.b2 data.b3

add data row (when you click you can add more rows)

Let me know how you solved it

concrete5fan25 replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever find out how this is done?
concrete5fan25 replied on at Permalink Reply
I too would like to know if this is possible. Did you ever find out?