$0 eCommerce checkout option?


I'm working on a project for a client where they need an ecommerce solution that'll be used by different departments in their company. It would really be used as a tool to request items from the marketing department and would allow them to track inventory.

My thought was to use the C5 eCommerce block but set all products to $0. Would that work? Would they still have to enter their credit card info or could they just bypass all of that? I guess what I need is something like how C5 handles purchasing a free block in the Marketplace.

I posted this question in the eCommerce questions and discussion page and the response I got was to maybe alter the checkout controller to get rid of the existing checkout and replace it with a simpler one that doesn't require purchasing. That sounds a bit complicated so I'm wondering if there might be some other options.

My other thought was that if the eCommerce block won't work for this, are there other blocks or possibly ways of manipulating other blocks to achieve what I'm wanting. Could it maybe be as simple as setting up some kind of form that get's submitted and then updates the inventory based on the number of items they requested? I guess at the very least I could just create a form with a quantity box next to each item. Once submitted the order would be fulfilled but the inventory would have to be manually updated.

Any thoughts?


TNTdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Any thoughts? This has been a tough one to get any response from other people.
