via SVN?

Will the latest release be available in the SVN repo any time soon? Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?


Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to bump this thread, but I'd really like to know. If one of the C5 devs can address my concern when they get a moment to come up for air, I would greatly appreciate it.

I've come to rely on the SVN switch command for updating my local C5 installation, and the fact that the latest release isn't available is putting a kink in my workflow.

Any info or insight would be appreciated.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
The current version in trunk/ is 5.4.06a1 (which will likely actually morph into 5.4.1). Do you mean the versions in the branches/releases/ directory? We typically don't add the previous released version to the releases/ directory until we release the new one, which is why hasn't been added into branches/releases/. We can try to at some point soon but it probably won't happen until 5.4.1 (or comes out.
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for taking the time to reply, Andrew. Yes, I mean the version in the releases directory.

> We typically don't add the previous released version
> to the releases/ directory until we release the new
> one, which is why hasn't been added into
> branches/releases/.

Well that answers my question. I thought that directory was updated with the current release (kind of what the name implies). So then, what you're saying is that the most recent version in the "releases" directory is always one release behind the current release. Got it. Can't say I understand the rationale, but I got it. :-)

Thanks again,

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
It is, but we haven't always updated it constantly with the latest point releases. It does make sense to do so.