5.4.1 Autonav missing first class

Hi everybody!
First post in the forum but a im frequent reader. I installed the new C5 release and was about the change the css for the autonav when i couldn't find the class="first". I remember i made a css change to a previous release and it was there from the start. When i search the forum i found a post where someone said it was always included. Is there any changes in the autonav for the new release that i plainly missed?

Didn't know where the post would fit in, move my post if im in the wrong thread.


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It's in the "header_menu" custom template, but not the default "view" template (see concrete/blocks/autonav/templates/header_menu.php). I don't think this is any different that older versions.
valkommen replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks jordanlev!
I found it in another thread after all and solved the problem. The downside by using the the "header_menu" template is that it's not working with "replace_link_with_first_in_nav" but it's a pretty quick fix if you compare it with the other templates.