5-Star Rating Attribute - Half Stars?

Is there a way to get the 1-5 Star Rating Attribute (for images, pages, etc) to support 1/2 star increments?

I'm working on a project where I'll be posting product reviews and each product will be rated in 4 different categories. I'd like each category to support 1/2 star ratings and then I can provide an overall rating that averages each of the 4.


leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to bump my own thread...still looking for an answer to this.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
You'll generally have a better time getting add-on specific answers if you start a question from that add-on's page..

If you're talking about the reviews add-on, I imagine you can do that by changing the presentation template to average things differently. Would involve a little coding but not that hard.
leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Not talking about the Review add-on. Just the built-in Ratings attribute that I can add to pages.

My idea is to add 4 ratings attributes to one of my page types to rate products based on 4 categories and then display an average rating based on the four attributes...but I'd like to be able to choose half star ratings and also output the average in half-star increments.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
concrete5.4.2 should allow this.
leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Yea...I saw that in the documentation.

Any ideas on where to start?
BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
I know this is an old post but it might help someone...

To change ratings input for half stars you must edit the core rating helper here:

/concrete/core/helpers/rating.php and replace the html statements around line 80 with this:

$html = '';
      $checked1 = ($value == 10) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked2 = ($value == 20) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked3 = ($value == 30) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked4 = ($value == 40) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked5 = ($value == 50) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked6 = ($value == 60) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked7 = ($value == 70) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked8 = ($value == 80) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked9 = ($value == 90) ? 'checked' : '';
      $checked10 = ($value == 100) ? 'checked' : '';
      if ($isEditableField == false) {
         $disabled = 'disabled';
      $html .= "<div class=\"ccm-rating\" id=\"ccm-rating-{$field}\">