5.5 and Twitter Bootstrap
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As part of our effort to better document and educate people about what concrete5 can do and how it does it, I've put together a brief how-to on concrete5 and Twitter Bootstrap. Version 5.5 uses the Bootstrap library (open-sourced by Twitter) as a way to create attractive UI elements like forms, popovers, navigations, etc... This how-to talks a little about Bootstrap and how it interacts with concrete5, how we customize it, and how links to some relevant documentation on how you can use it in your own blocks and add-ons
I really like that concrete5 uses the Twitter Bootstrap Styled.
Now my Question: Would it be possible to also use the Bootstrap Styles on my frontend page for some forms? The problem right now is, that the styles are defined in the file ccm.app.css, which is only loaded when the user is logged in, but not when a normal website visitor is on the page..
Regards Jan