Trouble installing because 5.5 thinks tables already exist in the database

Hi There,

I'm not sure if this is 5.5 or MAMP but over the past few days I've been setting up a bunch of local dev sites and have noticed a weird reoccurring error with the 5.5 installer.

Despite creating brand new databases in phpMyAdmin, c5 thinks tables exist in them - so won't install.

The only way to fix the issue is to create a new database with a different name which makes me think that something (MAMP, the browser or c5) is caching something?.

A part from the first time it happens, c5 always thinks that any subsequent databases created with the same name has 3 tables in it. The first time round, it looks like it installs 20 or 30 tables before getting the error.

I'm going to update MAMP but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this? I've had this error 3 or 4 times over the past week and only with c5.5 - an Expression Engine and two Wordpress installs were fine.

Any help suggestions on tracking down the source would be much appreciated.

