5.7+ no longer has blocks edit feature?

I hired a developer for a project, the client had used C5 for their last site, so it was important to have the same environment. When I went into the dev testing dashboard to test, I was unable to "Edit Area Design" and the error “Open # on this page in a new tab”, the move blocks icon was half hidden and when I clicked on it, the html model appears. Essentially, it seems uneditable and buggy.

When i asked why I didn't see the normal dashboard editing environment they replied:
"In earlier version of concrete5 the block is showing without html editor and just show the normal block for editing. But Now in concrete 5.7 and above version the block editable features has been updated. Now it is showing as html editor. There is no popup option and it is impossible to achieve that features in this updated version."

I'm using Chrome and Safari to test on a Mac environment, is this now the functionality? I attached screenshots of errors.

Thanks for any responses!


4 Attachments

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi studiotwentytwo,

Just to clarify:

You put a page into Edit Mode and then attempt to edit an area design, this results in the error “Open # on this page in a new tab”?

"the move blocks icon was half hidden and when I clicked on it, the html model appears"
- when you refer to "html model", what are you describing?

Regarding the question "When i asked why I didn't see the normal dashboard editing environment they replied" and the developer response, there must be important parts left out, because I don't understand it. Please re-state the question.

What you are describing sounds like issues created by the theme.

To further evaluate the problem, you will need to post a site link.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
One thing I can say for sure is about that screenshot where the editing interface is showing HTML code. It is like that simply because that block is the html block used to add html code.

Other blocks are editable just as they've always been.

One thing I am not 100% sure about but have suspicions: that dev doesn't know what he's doing and is taking you for a ride. My reasons are as follow:
1- Not addressing things not working properly for one is really suspicious. If Concrete5 system's icons are hidden, that's his doing with badly designed CSS
2- The piece of code we can see shows little care indeed when writing css. The class orange-text is a good example. What happens if in a few month that text needs to be blue? Will you have to go everywhere he used the class orange-text and change the name or will you make the text blue and keep the class orange-text? Why not something like main-title for instance that's more future proof.
3- Telling you that the Concrete5 editing experience has changed to the point that now you need to edit HTML code is a blatant lie. That editing system is one of Concrete5's main selling points and it's not going away. Now I admit I might have misunderstood that part. If so sorry for the anger.

I am not in the habit of bashing others doing their work but I had several clients over the years that came to me with websites for which they had clearly been scammed and taken advantage of

Imagine, a whole Concrete5 site where each page is just one big html block with the whole page content pasted in it.

Others with hard-coded values all over the place forcing the client to go back to the same dev again and again for (paid) modifications...

I've seen plenty of that and frankly I am tired of people like that giving us all a bad name.

Once again, if I'm wrong and I misinterpreted the situation, I am truly sorry. But if I'm right, shame on you (whoever that dev is)
studiotwentytwo replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Thank you, MrKDilkington and mnakalay for responding.

I apologize if my question was difficult to follow, I think mnakalay nailed it with his suspicion regarding the developers avoiding the questions with false information. In a nutshell, they're trying to convince me that C5+7 environment only allows html editing (attch c5_html.png) as opposed to the old dashboard environment (attch: c5_editor.png)

I was told they were developing it using bootstrap but will integrate it into C5.7+. I've been updating the microsite for the same client (cpc-edge.com) and the dashboard is exactly as the video and tutorial shows it to be, so I was concerned when the main site (continuumperformancecenter.com) wasn't functioning like it should. I also asked to see the css file but each time they say they've sent it, there's not attachment. :/

I purchased problog addon and they've finished implementing it but that too isn't editable, again, the whole point is so the client can easily update.

Here is the site:http://continuumperformancecenter.com/dev/index.php/dashboard/...

Lastly, my familiarity with this platform is pretty surface, hence the reason why I was asking the community for some professional advice — which I greatly appreciate!

We're a month past schedule and we've paid for half the project, any opinions on going in one of two directions; a) complete contract to launch and hire pro to built correctly after or b) sever now and hire C5 pro? The developer is anxious to close this out and receive payment.

Thanks all!
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Jennifer you need to remove the password you posted here right now. You should never post a password on a public forum.

Also the link you posted has a redirect loop (aka bad coding) so it doesn't work
studiotwentytwo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! I got that error as well but after refreshing, it worked. sigh...
edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just had a quick look.

Looks a bit of a mess, jquery is loading a few times.
I think you will need to get a developer to look at your theme and may be start again.
Post a request on the job board.

*Edit* I would not pay your developer anything else unless he irons out all those issues.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree with edbeeny except that by the look of it, your dev also doesn't know the platform and will not be able to fix this mess.

If I were you I would get my money back which you can if you paid through Paypal. If you don't, the next dev is going to be either real cheap or is going to be on you.
Just make sure you change all your passwords first.