5.7 Single Pages controller
Can anyone give me an example of how to setup a single page in both the single page directory and in the controller directory so that the single page can pull information from the controller?
I did a quick and dirty version of my app just to see what c5 is all about and it worked out pretty well. I'm now re-factoring the whole thing MVC (I did my entire app as an external-form - just to figure out all the functionality I wanted and see what it would look like etc.)
I watched a video from 5.3 and read the tutorial that went along with it but the two pages just can't seem to find each other. I figure either my directory structure in both the single_pages and controller directories are screwed up, or maybe my lack of name spacing is an issue.
I don't need anything fancy, just one single simple working example of the controller working with the view. Something like:
1. You need to have a file named view.php inside a directory named YourApplication that resides in the single_pages directory which resides in the application directory.
2. You need to have a controller file name controller.php that resides in the YourApplication directory which resides in Application/controller.
3. Your view needs to be namespaced such as x, y and z.
4. Your controller must have a view method.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I did a quick and dirty version of my app just to see what c5 is all about and it worked out pretty well. I'm now re-factoring the whole thing MVC (I did my entire app as an external-form - just to figure out all the functionality I wanted and see what it would look like etc.)
I watched a video from 5.3 and read the tutorial that went along with it but the two pages just can't seem to find each other. I figure either my directory structure in both the single_pages and controller directories are screwed up, or maybe my lack of name spacing is an issue.
I don't need anything fancy, just one single simple working example of the controller working with the view. Something like:
1. You need to have a file named view.php inside a directory named YourApplication that resides in the single_pages directory which resides in the application directory.
2. You need to have a controller file name controller.php that resides in the YourApplication directory which resides in Application/controller.
3. Your view needs to be namespaced such as x, y and z.
4. Your controller must have a view method.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
this is a related answer, and new problems, with the same issue you posted here
In case anyone in the future has the same question:
In application/single_pages/ you have a file named mysinglepage.php
In application/controller/single_page/ you have a file (also named) mysinglepage.php
Now you can add the new page from dashboard/single pages:
Use the name of the file mysinglepage (no extension).
The controller needs a namespace:
namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage;
The controller class extends Controller (or PageController):
To access variables declared in the controller for the single page, declare/define it:
Add setting/getters etc:
Or you can set it in your start method:
And to access that field from your view: