5.7.1 Just Released

We might as well start calling them "Release Day Fridays."

Hey everyone! Just giving you the heads up that we've just released 5.7.1. This is our biggest post-5.7 release. It brings back the ability to connect to the community and browse and install add-ons and themes from your Dashboard, the ability to search for blocks when adding them to your page (in the add block panel), and sitemap flat view in the Dashboard. New features include Twitter authentication in the core, along with our own concrete5.org community authentication as its own type! It also includes some additional developer features, individual block-level caching settings (via a new "Advanced" menu item in the block menu), and lots of bug fixes.


If you're on 5.7 it's highly recommended you check it out.


pedroserapio replied on at Permalink Reply
Still no options for Rich Text Editor? I feel sad....

"The editor currently has no globally configurable options."
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, I look forward to all the new releases. Thank you, Andrew.

On the editor, I'm with you. I like having more editing options and the ability to disable them per project or user (locking down available formatting options based on a style guide, so users don't go bananas).

There are a bunch of features I'd like to add. Which made me think that maybe we all could chip in and work on making some more plugins for Redactor. We could share them here or in the marketplace.

I have particular interest in adding table formatting - class, colspan, rowspan, border, and background color, etc.
pedroserapio replied on at Permalink Reply
Please add my simple request, the option to clear all the text formatting when we copy a text from Word, because It's really useful in 5.6. And thank you very much for the link.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
redactor should do this automatically when you paste from word.

> On Oct 17, 2014, at 9:14 PM, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
I thought the same thing. Turns out it selectively filters certain formatting. It leaves things like em, strong, u, table, tr, td, etc.

Turns out there is a stripTags function and a getPlainText function. They look to do the same thing, but stripTags() can be passed exceptions
cpillz replied on at Permalink Reply
I just upgraded one of my sites and marketplace integration is broken both in the built-in marketplace view and in the marketplace at Concrete5.org. Paid add-ons in Concrete5.org are throwing an error: Fatal error: Call to a member function getPrice() on a non-object in /var/concrete5.org/web/blocks/product/templates/modern_five_pack.php on line 12.
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
if works fine for me
maybe you can give some more information like:
- how did you upgrade? fresh install ?
- what was the previous version ?