- Error on create page - "Invalid Parent Page."

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I tried to clean up page types and page templates so that my users have very little and clear choices about what to pick.

That led to the situation in which I have only one page type with the handle "blank". Now, if I tell this page type under "details" that it can only publish under a certain page (e.g home) it works. But because that would limit the users to publish only directly under home, I'm trying to switch that to "any page".

Just... if I do that I get an error when trying to create a page in the sitemap. It let's me choose the page type and give in all the form data (like Name of the Page, Alias, etc...) but when I try to finish creating the page I get an error that says "Invalid Parent Page."

Any ideas?

malkau replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I receive this too. After previously getting an error a page types, I re-created.
Really banging my head with C5.7.
malkau replied on at Permalink Reply
I managed to get around it.

1) Under "Page Type" copy the page type to a new one (probably not necessary, but I'm just being safe since my original page type is applied to quite a few pages).
2) Click "Basic Details" beside the new page type.
3) Under "Publish Method" update to "Always publish below a certain page" and choose the specific page that you desire to add the pages beneath (C5 seems to be ignore the "Choose from all pages when publishing" option)
4) Add your page.

If you need to add it to another page, then just update the page you wish the publish below under "Always publish below a certain page". The pages you add should still be fine.
Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm getting the same thing here. I'm very rapidly starting to loose my patience with the new Concrete 5.7. To many issues with this new version and lack of documentation :(
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

I recommend posting to the bug tracker:

Otherwise the core team will not be aware of or able to address the problem.

Regarding documentation, I imagine after the release of 5.7.4 there will be more documentation released.
stephendmalloy replied on at Permalink Reply
Same issue here. When I click to "Add Page" I select my Page Type and then the window that pops up is blank...that's it :(
razorcommerce replied on at Permalink Reply
Any errors under dashboard/reports/logs ?
stephendmalloy replied on at Permalink Reply
Nothing in the logs or Chrome developer console. I did inspect the source of the blank modal window and there's no contents (compared to the default Page, page type thats created at install)
Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
I get that too, no matter what I try. I'm using a workaround at the moment. After adding a page the pop-up is no longer blank.
stephendmalloy replied on at Permalink Reply
What is your workaround?
areej replied on at Permalink Reply
what is your workaround.
Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
My workaround : add a 'normal' page. After adding it change the pagetype. Then you can also edit the properties, the pop-up is no longer blank.
moleculeFFF replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you added the "publish_target" corePageProperty to the \PageType this can be done programatically or in the backend.

It is important because the request has to return a cParentID field.

This fixed the problem for me
emedchill replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like if you select "Choose from all pages when publishing" for your page type, you need to include "Page Location" in the Composer Form. Even though you selected the page that you want to be the parent, it doesn't remember unless you have that option.
Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
Has anyone solved this problem yet? I just created a new website and got the same problem again, I add a page from the sitemap, choose the page type and there's no form, just an empty modal. And then when adding the page, I get invalid parent page. These are two 'bugs' in total : no form and 'invalid parent page'.
CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you use the latest concrete5 installation v5.7.5.1?

Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
This is I figured out why the form is empty : that requires adding fields under 'edit form' in PageTypes but I still get the 'invalid parent page' error.