8.4.2: how to create xml file programmatically in concrete5?
I can create an xml file with PHP, which can be stored in the application/files folder. But is there a concrete5 way of creating an xml file so that I can store it in a File Manager folder? I don't want the xml to be stored in the files folder, only in the FM.
I can of course create one in the files, then move it into the FM, then delete the original in files. But is there a more concrete5onic way?
I can of course create one in the files, then move it into the FM, then delete the original in files. But is there a more concrete5onic way?
That's basically what I'm doing:
An xml file type is added to the FM's allowed extensions. The xml file is created but it doesn't get imported into the FM's folder, the folder's empty. The imported returns a 'Invalid file extension' error. What am I missing?
$file_system = new Filesystem(); $root_folder = $file_system->getRootFolder(); $folder_name = t('My Folder'); $folder = FileFolder::getNodeByName($folder_name); if (!is_object($folder) || !$folder instanceof FileFolder) { $file_system->addFolder($root_folder, $folder_name); } $fh = $this->app->make('helper/file'); $temp_dir = (string)$fh->getTemporaryDirectory(); if ($temp_dir === '' || !is_dir($temp_dir)) { throw new UserMessageException(t('Unable to determine temporary directory')); } $temp_fname = @tempnam($temp_dir, 'xml_') . '.xml'; $doc = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $doc->formatOutput = true;
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An xml file type is added to the FM's allowed extensions. The xml file is created but it doesn't get imported into the FM's folder, the folder's empty. The imported returns a 'Invalid file extension' error. What am I missing?
I also tried writing an xml string into a file:
still get the same 'Invalid file extension' error.
$fd = null; $fd = fopen($temp_fname, 'wb+'); if (@fwrite($fd, $doc->saveXML()) === false) { throw new UserMessageException(t('Failed to write to temporary file')); } fflush($fd); fclose($fd); $fd = null; @chmod($temp_fname, 0644); $importer = new Importer(); $file = $importer->import($temp_fname, 'xml_file', $folder);
still get the same 'Invalid file extension' error.
It turned out to be the destination's file extension error, not the source's, thanx to this post:
fixed that.
I read
as "$filename A custom name to give to the file" is the name without extension, but it needs one.
$file = $importer->import($temp_fname, false, $folder);
fixed that.
I read
as "$filename A custom name to give to the file" is the name without extension, but it needs one.
Also take a look in \Concrete\Core\File\Service\File class.
I think the way to do it is create the file in the temporary folder and then import it to File Manager with the concrete5 importer.