8.5.2: Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition(): Failed
I have random exceptions while uninstalling packages:
Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition(): Failed
I can't consistently reproduce this. Sometimes it happens after one package is being uninstalled, sometimes another, sometimes it doesn't happen.
Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition(): Failed
I can't consistently reproduce this. Sometimes it happens after one package is being uninstalled, sometimes another, sometimes it doesn't happen.
Looks like this should take care of the DB entities (in the package controller install() and upgrade() functions):
use Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\DatabaseORM; use Concrete\Core\Database\DatabaseStructureManager; install() { $this->RefreshEntities(); } upgrade() { $this->RefreshEntities(); } public function RefreshEntities() { $em = DatabaseORM::entityManager(); $manager = new DatabaseStructureManager($em); $manager->refreshEntities();
Viewing 15 lines of 16 lines. View entire code block.
On - Proxy classes will be generated on the fly. Good for development.
in System & Settings > Environment > Database Entities or Refreshing the entities fixes the problem, the exceptions stopped.
My package controller does already implement the Doctrine interface
What else am I as a package developer supposed to do to avoid that? The user will not set that option if they are not developing.