Suggesstion needed for Pagination

How to create a pagination in my single page.
I retrieve data from database using model function.
I have a record set and I displayed it in table format.
I want to use pagination in my single page.
I referred

By the documentation, I should create a separate model file that extend the DatabaseItemList or ItemList ?
But I already done the searching using normal php and mysql style in my model.
I attached my search result (PFA).

Suggest me to get pagination in my result.

1 Attachment

cjramki replied on at Permalink Reply
cjramki replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I got the solution from
Thanks for the great beginner tutorial Remo.
This tutorial helps me a lot.
I used this code in my controller to show pagination
        $currentPage = Page::getCurrentPage();
        $this->set('LeaveList', $LeaveList->getPage());
        $this->set('LeavePagination', $LeaveList->displayPagingV2(Loader::helper('navigation')->getLinkToCollection($currentPage), true));