Absolute positioning....

Hi Ok, I don't use absolute positioning very often as I prefer floats. But on this site I am using it, an issue i'm coming across is that when the edit bar is showing all the absolute elements shift up by 49px, why does it do this? and is there a solution, i can't seem to find anything recent in the forums.

I've tried to fix this with:

<?php if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?>
      <div style="height:49px;"></div>
      <?php } ?>

But this just makes it so when logged in and in edit mode the site positions correctly but when i'm out of edit mode and just the header bar is shown, the elements still shuffle up??

Thanks in advance, Ben

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
the things don't actually lift, they just don't move down. See
BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, this wasn't quite the issue, but i was able to use it to resolve the issue.


TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I have started using a Wrapping container which I position Relative, clearing both, that way child elements with absolute position are always Absolute to that element.

I then tend to use this container instead of the body (when I have content I would like to match up)
BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
ahh... much better, thanks, spot on :-)

erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ben,

I have the same issue with the absolute positioning like you had.

Can i ask you what you did to fix your problem?

Thanks in advance