Accidentally deleted global stack Site Name in dashboard

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I think i have the code to fix this right, I just don't know where to put it. I was having an issue related to the Site Name Global Area. I couldn't get it working correctly so I thought I would just delete the stack and recreate it. WHOOPS!!

The template I am working with is ClearView. I really want to get that working correctly again, so which file do I edit and which line should I put the below code in. Oh, and if my code is wrong, please let me know. Thanks!!!

$ga = new GlobalArea('Site Name');

sunshinehydra replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever figure out the solution, because I would love to know. Thanks in advance!
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Create a stack and than rename it My_Site_Name. Thats all it takes. Make sure you include the underscores.

If its still not taking, go back to the stack through your dashboard and click on it. Select custom templates and type My_Site_Name, than press save.
sunshinehydra replied on at Permalink Reply
I created the stack My_Site_Name, then I added a content block and created my website's name. I added the stack to the global area where the site name goes on the homepage and all seems set. Is that what I'm supposed to do, now that I have accidentally deleted the original site name stack?
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Click on that stack you created My_Stack_Name and select custom templates. In the custom templates option type My_Site_Name than save, this should auto apply that stack to the site name area on all pages.
sunshinehydra replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks good to go, and thank you kindly!