Add block to custom page template?


I have created an new page template for blog entries. And it work fine.

I would like to add some blocks to it, to make it easy to create new blog posts.

This is what I have so far.
<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>
      <div id="innerwrapper">
            <div class="container">
                 <div class="row">
                     <div class="col-md-12">
                          $a = new GlobalArea('Breadcrumb Trail');
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-8">

How do I set the Page Title in the banner area of my theme - should I copy the header content and edit that to my needs?

How do I add page attributes like publish date formatted like: "l dS F Y"?

Topic list and tag list would also be nice...

At some point I would also like to add some affiliate ads. Guessing that is also best to do from the page template?


Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Page title:
<h1><?php echo $c->getCollectionName();?></h1>

Date could be:
<p><?php  echo '<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>'.$dh->formatDate($c->getCollectionDatePublic(), true).'</span>';?></p>
brianskov replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you Steevb

The Page Title works.
Is there a way to get the title into the banner area - so the user can edit the Page Title block if needed?

This is how the banner is set in the Brimstone theme:
<div data-parallax="scroll" data-speed="0.4" data-bleed="10" data-image-src="<?php 
        $banner = $c->getAttribute('banner');
        $banner ? ($banner = $banner->getVersion()->getRelativePath()) : $banner;
        echo ($banner ? $banner : $this->getThemePath()."/img/background-brimstone-header.jpg");
?>" id="banner" 
        $hide_banner = $c->getAttribute('hide_banner');
            echo "display:none";
                $a = new Area('Banner'); 

This outputs the Title right after the Banner area.
I would like to have it inside if possible.

The date gives this error:
"An unexpected error occurred.
Call to a member function formatDate() on null"

Sorry for all the questions - this is my first time messing around with concrete5 code.

Thank you for all your help.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Your going to have to edit header.php for page title and the 'brimstone_title' template.

In header.php remove:
                $a = new Area('Banner'); 
replace with
<h1><?php echo $c->getCollectionName();?></h1>

In 'blocks/templates/brimstone_title/view.php' replace
<?php  print $date; ?>

<?php echo date( "l, jS \of F Y"); ?>
brianskov replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you

I got your first date suggestion to work by adding this to the top of my template.
$dh = Core::make('helper/date'); /* @var $dh \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\Date */
$date = $dh->formatDateTime($c->getCollectionDatePublic(), true);

Is there a list of the code snippet for every block?

I would like to add Tags and a Topic List to my template to.


brianskov replied on at Permalink Reply
I got the Tags working with this:

Except for the link on the tags isn't working.
$c = Page::getByID('/topics');

This results in links like this: /tag/watch?cID=

Is there a similar page for all blocks.... or just the Topic list... that would be great.
