Add parent to second-level in Autonav?

Hi All,

Just like it says - Any way to add the parent of a second-level page into the autonav? I found some code and can fake it, but obviously I won't be able to style the nav-path / nav-path-selected if I land on the parent page.

So I'm wondering if it can be shoved in there or something. Any thoughts?

Here is what I'm currently using in my autonav template:
//*** Step 2 of 2: Output menu HTML ***/
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
//If not on the home page
if ($c->cID > 1) {
   $nh = Loader::helper('navigation');   
   $arrTrail = array_reverse($nh->getTrailToCollection($c));
   $objHomePage = $arrTrail[0]; // Home page object;
   //If we're on a top-level page then our $arrTrail array will only have the home page object
   //so we test to see if its Page object exists
   $objTopPage = is_object($arrTrail[1]) && $arrTrail[1] instanceof Page && !$arrTrail[1]->error ? $arrTrail[1] : $c;
   //If we have a valid top page Page object we retrieve 
   $title      = $objTopPage->getCollectionName();
   $pageHandle = $objTopPage->getCollectionHandle();
   $url        = $nh->getLinkToCollection($objTopPage);
   //Print parent (if on one of its subpages)
