Add Rich text editor to a textarea
Is is possible to add the rich text editor to the textarea of a form.
For example I want my users to enter their name, email, and other information in a <textarea> but I want that textarea to have the rich text editor enabled and collect that information in my dashboard when I go to see the form results.
Is there such an AddOn or a fairly easy way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
For example I want my users to enter their name, email, and other information in a <textarea> but I want that textarea to have the rich text editor enabled and collect that information in my dashboard when I go to see the form results.
Is there such an AddOn or a fairly easy way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
I am also interested in how to add a WYSIWYG onto a single page. I've tried looking at other blocks but can't figure it out. Any help?
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
--Add this to you edit.php and add.php at the top
add a class 'ccm-advanced-editor' to your textarea
<textarea name="some_name" class="ccm-advanced-editor"></textarea>
--Add this to you edit.php and add.php at the top
add a class 'ccm-advanced-editor' to your textarea
<textarea name="some_name" class="ccm-advanced-editor"></textarea>
Thanks rgd1990 :) worked like a charm!
Glad i could help :)