Add space between Image blocks

Hi there,

I am creating a website and I have div called 'picturebar' which I would like to add 2/3 static images vertically. I have added two and its looking great, but they dont have any space between them and I would like them not to touch. I have added two screen shots of the visual and corresponding css. Any help appreciated.

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GreyhorseDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
You're adding a margin-bottom to the div itself instead of the images that reside inside the div. Try;

#picturebar img {margin-bottom: 10px;}
NoPro replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. It didn't work unfortunately :-(.
ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
Add padding to the div surrounding the image.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
it would really help to see the html (the div and contained images), not just the css
NoPro replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi there,

Here is a screenshot of the html when I inspect the element. Hope this helps.
NoPro replied on at Permalink Reply
I have managed to do this by editing the block, clicking ' design' and adding a margin. I just wondered if there was a way of coding this into the css so that it would do it automatically. Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for you time
ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
Add a div around each image with padding set to half the distance you want between them.