Add to Header Nav - shows on right side of page (Plain Yogurt)

For some reason the "Add Header Nav" area is positioned on the right side of my page .. not starting at the left and stretching accross the full page.

This appear in the plain yogurt template - I've already build a site and the position for adding a new block always appears starting on the left.

It appears this was the case since I loaded the site.
Now, I have been playing with the "Site Name" and use a graphics. I also remove the Horizontal dividers by renaming them and this appears to work and I have used it in the past.

Newbie - I'm mixed up now.

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any chance you could post a screenshot of this. It might make it a bit more clear.
HOBOcs replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I have two screen shot in a pdf doc

the first screen shot is from a website I've was using a the test site

The second is from the site I'm make for production

Note the timing on the test site vs the live site install is about a month - coul danything change with the template?