adding a menu

I'm new. How do I add a menu?

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
To add a menu, start editing a page, click on an area where you an add a block, select Add Block and pick an Auto-Nav block. By default it will show the top level pages, but you can change the options to show the second level items, all the items, etc.

Down the track, you will want to look at adding an Auto-Nav block as a default block for your page types (look in the Dashboard under Pages and Themes, then Page Types). This will save you from having to add a navigation every time you add a page.

Hope that is clear!
tab replied on at Permalink Reply
I found out how to do the blocks, and I found Pages and Themes, then Page Types, but don't see anything there about setting up a default nav menu. Where should I go from there? Thanks.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Once you find the list of page types, against each one is is a button that says 'Defaults'. If you click on one of those buttons, you will see that page in edit mode. Whatever blocks and content you add here will be set as the default for when a new page of that type is created. So hit the default button, add the blocks you want to be on every page and save it.

When you do this is pretty much looks like you are just editing another page on the site, but you are in this case saving a special version of the page. (it will have as the version title 'Version 1' or similar).

(There are more advanced ways of setting this up by editing the template files, but this is the simple way of doing it).
tab replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I found where I can add a page type. But before I do that, I need to know how to edit a nav box, ie delete the default home, about, blog and search from the side bar nav box so that I can put in the buttons for my pages. I'll keep 3 or 4 of the default ones at the top and maybe add more there too. But the sidebar nav will be for content pages.

Also, I'm having a problem with my regular site admin password, so I presently restricted to learning how to use C5 via the trial version on the C5 website. How can one get support for such matters? (I know that this is a free service, so I'm quite appreciative of the community support.) Thanks again.
BigBobbyD replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tab,

It doesn't seem like you read mesuva's last post carefully enough...

For each page type, you can set up blocks to appear by default, so that every time you create a new page of that type, it will already contain those blocks.

As Mesuva mentions, this is accomplished by going to dashboard->pages and themes->page types, then clicking on the button that says "Defaults" on a given page type's row. The resulting page in edit mode is a sort of "master page". Changes you make to this page will appear on every new page you make with this page type.

So add your nave blocks to the default page types you need to use, and you're good to go.

This feature is especially powerful if you use it with the global scrapbook, which you can read about in the c5 documentation. The idea is you have a global version of a block, and add it to your various page types' default versions. Changes made to the global block will be reflected on all pages that reference that block automatically.

If you can get around a little bit of code, there are ways to embed blocks directly into your page templates. If you're interested, I can point you in the right direction there...

Good luck.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll see if I can help you with the other things you mentioned:

- You don't edit the auto-navs blocks, they are supposed to automatically display your site's pages. If you go into the dashboard and look at the the Sitemap, you will see what the auto-nav block is going to be looking at. So to edit the items on the nav, you add/edit pages. Perhaps you just need to add a content block and manually add menu items.

- You can't delete the home page, you just modify it to suit your needs.

- To learn the system in more detail, you do need to invest some time in reading the documentation and simply playing around until you have in your head a clear picture of how blocks/pages/themes/pages types fit together. It sounds like you are developing a site from scratch, so it will be time well spent.
I'd suggest you go through the basics section at least on:

- For development and learning, it sounds like you need to set up a local server. Download and set up XAMPP for Win, or MAMP for mac (and then Sequel Pro).

Hope that helps a bit!