Adding a second menu

Hi all. I have an auto-nav menu at the top of my page which I have managed to style using CSS. I now need to add a different menu on the left of the page which needs to be present on every page, but look completely different (only text links though).

The second menu has 5 buttons but the user should be able to add more if they want. A homepage button should not be in this block (it's already in the first menu). I'm really confused, any help extremely welcome.

Thanks for any help,

DanK replied on at Permalink Reply
Pritam replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 2 Attachments
You need to keep the second menu items on a different page level, please find the screen shot which shows the site map divided into two menus.

Also on the second instance of using auto-nav block , keep the settings as per the one's attached in the second screen shot.

Also when applying the above settings for the second instance of auto-nav you can check the preview option to see if the pages that you want on the second auto-nav are showing.
DanK replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great.

Thanks Pritam, you're a gentleman!