Adding a Sidebar to the Products Details page in core commerce

I have posted this elsewhere but decided to start a new thread…

I would like to add a sidebar (left specifically but general instructions would be nice), but not by renaming the left_sidebar.php page to default.php, I thought I could do something like this but that would just "print" the sidebar html markup inside the view.php <div id="body"> instead of above or next to it in the DOM where I think it should be. Is there a way to make Product Details page use the left_sidebar.php as the page it builds inside of, instead of view.php?

citytech2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Please have a look at the site.
Hope you want something like this.

designaroni replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know what you're saying, unless you're trying to spam me, in that case I don't need a knot thing
citytech2 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm neither trying to spam you nor selling a knot. This is an example of product details page that you may have a look. It has a sidebar.

designaroni replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry I just don't see the sidebar in that page you linked to, I looked in your source code as well and it doesn't appear in a structure that I'm familiar with, I might make a video of my question & upload it to vimeo, then link it here, it's probably easier to explain that way.