Adding blog functionality after the fact

I'm building a big site using Concrete 5. Upon installation, I chose the "empty site" installation mode because that made the most sense at the time.

However, now, I find myself wishing for some of the functionality from the blog install. I'm building new page types that list content by date, and would like to see how the page types in the blog install do it.

Is there any way to get hold of those page types separately, or to look in their source code?

goutnet replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You should be having all you need :

- The blog entry list is actually a "Page List" block configured to display pages of type "Blog Entry".

So just add that bloc where you want your blog to be, and configure it the way you want. You will then have a blog.
pekka replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh, it's that simplistic - that I can replicate myself. (I had thought the template did stuff like showing thumbnail images etc.) thanks!