Adding constantly changing external html files like via server side includes or java script

Here is the current situation :
I have a static .html web site. The page templates for this .html site have up to 20 server side includes that populate the page with 20 different small .html mini-pages. Each of the 20 .html mini-pages has a unique file name. So each SSI call loads the specific and uniquely named .html mini-page to populate a specific spot on the web page.

During the day... another program automatically generates these 20 uniquely named .html mini pages and uploads puts them in the root of the domain.

Over the course of the day, the newly populated page is cached and served to the end users ... until the next batch of newly created .html mini pages is generated and sent to the root of the domain.

I can not find an equivalent method of loading these unique and consistently named mini .html pages in to Concrete5

Basically these .html mini pages are agregations of 10 or 20 html links

So... is it possible to load these mini html pages in to Concrete5 and display them in their normal html appearance ( not as source code but as properly displayed html )

From what I have seen...the html feature would allow me to update the respective blocks manually. But I was hoping to find a more automatic way for Concrete to simply load each of the freshly uploaded html mini pages.

I searched to try to find some discussion that might give me a hint on how to do a SSI type loading of the unique .html files or even a java script or php type loading, but nothing seemed to cover this type of situation.

Have I missed something or is there a simple way to achieve what I am trying to do ?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Would these html files be uploaded to your C5 site somewhere, or would you be trying to include them from an external source?
Normie replied on at Permalink Reply
The html files can be put anywhere within the Concrete directory. :

I did find a block called PhpCodeBlock which allows you to insert .php or .html code

It did the following when I applied it and then looked at the source code of the generate Concrete page :

<div id="PhpCodeBlock260" class="PhpCodeBlock">
<!--#include virtual="midsection.shtml"--></div>

It looks like it should do the job, as long as Concrete5 and Server Side Includes play nicely together although it was unusual to actual see that code when I checked the source of the outputted Concrete5 page ( normally that would not appear in the source code of a generated web page ) Instead, normally the html file to be included would take that space over.
Normie replied on at Permalink Reply
I found that by using that phpblock block... and giving it the php include command, I was able to load the test.shtml file and that it properly displayed the html that was in that test.shtml file

<?php include("test.shtml"); ?>

It appears that it found and used the file in the root of the domain. So I guess if the theory holds true I should be able to populate the pages in the way I was planning...

Not sure if this is the best way to achieve these results... but it seems to be at least one way to suck in an .shtml file and properly display it...