Adding Editable Area Block in a Theme Question

I'm just curious about something.

When adding a block area to my theme, I've been using:

$a=new Area('Area Name Here');

for every single area I add to my theme.

That said, I see many themes using

they seem to show up in a multitude of different ways. Some people using a different word or set of letters after the $ sign, and some using the same set of letters for every block area on a theme.

Can someone explain the do's and don'ts since there doesn't really seem to be any consistency and I can't find any information about it. Thanks in advance for anyone who can shine some light on it. I'm good to give Karma too! :)

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It doesn't matter. I personally always use $a -- one less thing to think about ("what should I call this one -- it's a header but will probably only have a menu in it, but maybe not, etc. etc.").
I think the reason there are all sorts of different styles for this is just an artifact of early samples and tutorials being inconsistent -- but there's no technical reason to do it one way over another.
firehouse replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the clarification, it's been bugging me, thinking I might be doing something wrong along the way. Glad to know it is nothing. Thanks for the info. Karma to you! :)