Adding Guestbook Block in my PageType template?
I'm trying to call the Guestbook Block in one of my Pagetype theme :
Display parameter are workings but when I fill up the form, it refresh with no error message and no data entrie. I presume it couldn't because it doesnt not have a bID ?
So thats meen it's not possible to do it that way?
I know that it's possible to add it in the PageType DEFAULT but the problem is that I already have over 2000 pages created with that PageType template. The PageType DEFAULT only applied new changes to new page created.
Someone can help me?
<?php $bt_guestbook = BlockType::getByHandle('guestbook'); $bt_guestbook->controller->title = 'Commentaire'; $bt_guestbook->controller->displayGuestBookForm = 1; $bt_guestbook->controller->displayCaptcha = 0; $bt_guestbook->controller->requireApproval = 0; $bt_guestbook->controller->authenticationRequired = 0; $bt_guestbook->controller->notifyEmail = ''; $bt_guestbook->render('templates/twist'); ?>
Display parameter are workings but when I fill up the form, it refresh with no error message and no data entrie. I presume it couldn't because it doesnt not have a bID ?
So thats meen it's not possible to do it that way?
I know that it's possible to add it in the PageType DEFAULT but the problem is that I already have over 2000 pages created with that PageType template. The PageType DEFAULT only applied new changes to new page created.
Someone can help me?
<hereNT> when you click set up on child pages from the page type, you should be able to choose which existing pages it appears on
<OlaAgency> really?
humm why did I not see that
ill check
where do you see a setup ?
<hereNT> index.php/dashboard/pages/types/
click defaults to open the page type in edit mode
add your guestbook to the area you want it in
click the block
<OlaAgency> ok default open
<hereNT> there's an option in the context menu once the block is on the page
very bottom - Setup on Child Pages
<OlaAgency> oh my god
<hereNT> open that and you get a list of all the pages it's on
<OlaAgency> I though I knoew everything
<hereNT> you can choose which ones it's on
<OlaAgency> woww, that was hidden deep
<hereNT> if you do that with a block that's aliased to a shared scrap book
you can put the same _instance_ of a block on all those pages
it's hidden for a reason
you can only touch it when super admin, after all ;)
<OlaAgency> ok I have over 2000
pages with that page-type
i'll do a backup, hoping it wont crash or anything
thanks again
<hereNT> np