Adding Guestbook Block in my PageType template?

I'm trying to call the Guestbook Block in one of my Pagetype theme :

                  $bt_guestbook = BlockType::getByHandle('guestbook'); 
              $bt_guestbook->controller->title = 'Commentaire'; 
              $bt_guestbook->controller->displayGuestBookForm = 1; 
                  $bt_guestbook->controller->displayCaptcha = 0; 
              $bt_guestbook->controller->requireApproval = 0;
              $bt_guestbook->controller->authenticationRequired = 0;
              $bt_guestbook->controller->notifyEmail = '';

Display parameter are workings but when I fill up the form, it refresh with no error message and no data entrie. I presume it couldn't because it doesnt not have a bID ?

So thats meen it's not possible to do it that way?

I know that it's possible to add it in the PageType DEFAULT but the problem is that I already have over 2000 pages created with that PageType template. The PageType DEFAULT only applied new changes to new page created.

Someone can help me?


hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
<OlaAgency> Is anyone able to help me with this one? Adding Guestbook Block in my PageType template?
<hereNT> when you click set up on child pages from the page type, you should be able to choose which existing pages it appears on
<OlaAgency> really?
humm why did I not see that
ill check
where do you see a setup ?
<hereNT> index.php/dashboard/pages/types/
click defaults to open the page type in edit mode
add your guestbook to the area you want it in
click the block
<OlaAgency> ok default open
<hereNT> there's an option in the context menu once the block is on the page
very bottom - Setup on Child Pages
<OlaAgency> oh my god
<hereNT> open that and you get a list of all the pages it's on
<OlaAgency> I though I knoew everything
<hereNT> you can choose which ones it's on
<OlaAgency> woww, that was hidden deep
<hereNT> if you do that with a block that's aliased to a shared scrap book
you can put the same _instance_ of a block on all those pages
it's hidden for a reason
you can only touch it when super admin, after all ;)
<OlaAgency> ok I have over 2000
pages with that page-type
i'll do a backup, hoping it wont crash or anything
thanks again
<hereNT> np
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
here that info is in screencast form: