Adding new site wide setting


I have been looking at the single page for site wide settings and it seems pretty locked down.

Can I create a package to add a new area to the site wide settings page - I have created a package before but am lost on how to do this task.


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Sorry, but you cannot, some Dashboard sections have hardcoded arrays, for the nav, like the Add Functionality, and Sitewide Settings,
BinaryFold4 replied on at Permalink Reply
That makes sense.

By their very nature they are Site Wide and therefore don't fit into the model of a add on or package.

I guess I'll hard code the amends and attempt to merge them back into the main Concrete5 build via a pull request

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Usually what people do is create a separate dashboard page for their package's settings. You can create it at the top-level of the dashboard if you want, and it will appear in the left sidebar. Or you could create it under one of the other sections (but not all of them unfortunately). What you definitely can't (and shouldn't) do is add things to dashboard pages that already exist.
BinaryFold4 replied on at Permalink Reply
Adding things into existing pages as an improvement to the CMS would be OK - and then send a pull request to have those merged into the main C5 build?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Kinda depends what it is.
BinaryFold4 replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
A good point...

A client had asked for the ability to select a default page type. They publish 1000s of news/events articles and selecting each one every time would be some what of a chore when your doing it many times a day.

I have implemented this feature but it did require changes pretty deep within C5, e.g when selecting the page type for a new page so it didn't really fit within a package.

I have attached a screenshot of the Site Wide Settings
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
In the next version of c5 there is a new feature that will help with speeding up this process ;)
BinaryFold4 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, where is this documented?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It's not really documented anywhere, has just been mentioned in a few forum posts and you can see it as it develops in the core code repository on github.

The feature he's talking about is called "Composer" and it isn't exactly what you were asking about (i.e. it's not a way to set a default page type) but instead might address your client's issue of having to publish thousands of articles -- it's a way to quickly publish new pages via a streamlined interface from the dashboard (kind of like wordpress I guess).